Refund policy

Return: For Return and Exchange we accept products of good quality within 14 days from the date of order receipt . In order to return or exchange the goods, make sure following conditions are met: the products were not in use, original appearance of goods is intact. In order to proceed with the exchange / return of a product, please send photos of the product from all angles or a video to confirm the quality of the product. A packaging must be exclusively a hard packing paper shipping box.

Please note: All return deliveries are made at customer’s expense. If the quality of the bag or accessories will not meet the required standards it will be returned to the customer at customers expense. If the item is damaged during delivery, the exchange/return will not be confirmed and the item will be returned to the customer at customers expense.

To return and exchange goods send a request to [email protected]

Refund is completed to your account within 14 business days from the date of acceptance of the goods after the return delivery. Please note, original and return shipping fees will not be credited back upon return.